Sunday, November 22, 2015

Bonus Wonder Child: The Desai Wonder Child Challenge, Chapter 2

Welcome back to my little extra Wonder Child Challenge, conceived because I am so competitive I even compete with myself and want to break my previous score of 399. The wonder child is Jonah, above right, who is seen chilling with his friend Shades, a.k.a. Savanna, who is so cool she even wears sunglasses while stargazing. Finally a kindred soul for our little hipster-in-training! We'll see Shades again later, but let's get back to the family . . .

Jonah had finished all four childhood aspirations, bought some new traits, and earned a smattering of skills in the ones available to children who finished aspirations. His brother Dion also completed Artistic Prodigy, and his parents are making good progress on their aspirations as well. Everything seems to be going well for the Desais!

Jude and Fiona are very pleased with themselves for the progress their family has made. Today seems like a good day to celebrate that, because Jonah is finally becoming a teen!

Although it may not look like it, I did throw a party for those sweet gold medal points. It's just that all the guests elected to play games or talk to each other rather than attend the main event. Still, Jonah's family is there and excited for him.

Some are a little more excited than others.
"Woo! Yeah! Grow up already!"
Geez, Dion, what's the rush?
"Now we won't have to share a room if he's a teenager."
What are you even talking about? You guys don't share a room. In fact, Jonah has never even touched a bed.
"It's a matter of principle."
Okay, whatever. Anyway, yeah, Jonah made it through childhood relying almost completely on moodlet solvers for his needs, and never sleeping once. He had better things to do.

This shot is to prove that there actually kind of was a party, even if the guests were determined not to act like it. That's Shades in the background playing Blicblock, and the family getting their dance on for a party objective. Believe it or not, Mr. Pink Pants there is actually Jonah, pre-makeover. Spoiler alert: he is not keeping that outfit. The party was indeed another gold medal, which netted another 5 points.

Post-makeover, and Jonah is rocking the hipster look hard. I kind of love-hate him at the same time, because he is a successful little guy, but Jonah is such a turkey too. His new trait is active, adding to outgoing from before, and he starts out as a Renaissance Sim, which gets him the Quick Learner trait, a useful one for a Wonder Child. I was hoping the wants for this aspiration would keep popping up even after I had changed it like it did for Sawyer, but such was not the case. Instead, it was another aspiration that we will discuss later that became 'sticky' for Jonah.

Jonah has a whole new wide world of skilling open to him now, and he starts with cooking, while also working on the Culinary aspiration. I juggled the aspirations much more intentionally this time around, and it paid off well in aspiration points and thus traits and thus challenge points.

Jonah also cooked a nice white cake for his parents, since their elder birthday has come around. It's just the boys there to celebrate for them. We don't have time for fancy parties unless they earn points.

Still, the four of them have a good time, even if Jonah is too cool to cheer his dad on.

Here's Fiona and Jude as elders. I cleaned 'em up a little bit since they looked silly in their previous outfits. They're still cute. I particularly love Fiona's look with the short hair.

Dion continues to be my favorite of the two children, and he's a good little boy who achieved his second childhood aspiration, this one being Rambunctious Scamp. His role is to provide potions and socialization opportunities for Jonah, and he fulfills it admirably. Plus he's adorable, so there's that.

It's Jonah's first weekend as a teen, which means babysitting! He returns just after midnight on Monday having topped the career with 9 days left in his teen years. Obviously I've skipped a bit of time here, but it was all skilling and whim fulfillment, so you didn't miss much.

That same day, he comes home with his high school A, meaning he also gets 9 points for that. He was supposed to get his A on the previous Friday, but didn't for some reason, so that's 2 points down the drain. Once again, Jonah has come home from school with a red plumbbob, but we'll get that fixed up soon enough. In the mean time, Jonah can comfort himself with the thought that between his mom's excuse notes and vacation days, he will never go to high school again.

With the teen career and high school A out of the way, Jonah can load up his inventory with moodlet solvers and focus 24/7 on aspiration and whim fulfillment. Although skilling is nice and he did do plenty of that too, you really get a lot of points for new traits, so those aspiration points are important. Jonah is currently working on Joke Star and Friend of the World out on the town, and he starts with this interestingly-dressed fellow at Oasis Springs' gym.

Soon he has a whole crowd chuckling at his jokes, even the angry guy in the back. That angry guy, by the way, is my favorite sim in this whole save. He's a townie named Todd and he was one of Fiona's friends before Jonah was born, and is now one of Jonah's. He's an always angry or tense dandy, and I love him.

Jonah heads home to attend his brother's birthday. His life is literally all about him, but he isn't heartless. Dion and Jonah are great friends, so Jonah wouldn't miss Dion's birthday.

Dion grows up looking handsome! He also has the Renaissance Sim aspiration and some trait that I seem not to have written down. Oops. Sorry, Dion.

"Yes! Dad, I did it! My program is complete and I got another skill point! I've finished all these basic arguments, and . . ."
"Yes, but did you include a flowchart?"
"Oh, there's a flowchart alright. You know it!"

The computer screens crack me up with how simple they are. For this Computer Whiz aspiration, Jude wrote an app, and I named it Basic Arguments and a Flowchart, or BAAAF as my sister calls it. You have to pronounce it like a sheep would. Go on; try it. It's fun. BAAAF.

Fiona has completed the Bestselling Author aspiration with her little word processor and she's looking mighty proud of it.

"I'm never going back to high school. Why in the world am I doing homework?"
"I dunno, son. You're the one with the whim. I'm just here to speed up the collection of those 50 aspiration points."
"I wish I got help with my homework."
"Keep dreaming, Dion."

On another note, Jude changed out of his Mr. Rogers get-up because he got a promotion, which completed the Computer Whiz aspiration. By the end of the challenge, both parents had scads of unused aspiration points even after giving Jonah lots of potions, so they did quite well for themselves.

"Oh Lord, save me from teenage boys."

Jonah is skilling and Dion is doing his teen thing, and Fiona is now working on the painting aspiration just for something to do.

"Hmm, having completed another step in the Bestselling Author aspiration, I feel a need to follow my dreams and find my true calling. My true aspiration, if you will."

Oh geez, I'm afraid to find out what his "calling" is.

Apparently it's verbally abusing his elders on the sidewalks of Oasis Springs. Despite not having any traits that complement it, Jonah is a natural at mischief and he looks to me like he'd be good at being a pain, so we're going to see how far we can get with this aspiration, since it can be finished as a teen. He starts with poor Makayla here, an adult who earned a special place of enmity in Jonah's heart. Whenever she was on the same lot as him, no matter what else was going on, his whims would all be about insulting and pranking her.

"And you look like elderly Boy George in a camping jacket."
"Oh, man, burn."
"What? You're on his side? He was just insulting you a minute ago."
"Well, you do kind of look like elderly Boy George. I think it's the eyeliner, man. Maybe the bowler, too."
"Ugh, forget this!"

"Yeah, elderly Boy George, you walk away!"
"F*** you, man! I am! God, youths these days. Why, back in the 80's . . ."

Jonah excels at getting sims to dislike him, and he switches between the two deviance aspirations to collect all the lower levels and their attending points.

Finally he meets his true nemesis (Makayla is merely a side project): Mortimer Goth. These two actively hate each other now, and Jonah is ready to go on a mischief spree. However, alas, we have reached the end of the chapter! Check back soon (I've already got the pictures laid out) to see the last few days of Jonah's teen years and his party. They're eventful! We'll also do a final tallying of the points and see if I broke 400 this time around. In the mean time, come chat with me at SiMania or Boolprop. Thanks for reading!

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